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TMRA: A Versatile Fluorophore for Bioconjugate Applications


Tetramethylrhodamine (TMR), also known as TAMRA, is a highly versatile fluorophore widely used in the preparation of bioconjugates. Its extensive applications and unique properties make it a valuable tool in various biomedical research and diagnostic fields.

Spectral Properties and Applications

TMR exhibits strong fluorescence with an excitation wavelength of 556 nm and an emission wavelength of 578 nm. This emission wavelength makes it compatible with common fluorescence microscopy filters and imaging systems.

Due to its strong fluorescence, TMR is often used to label DNA, peptides, and proteins for fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. In immunolabeling applications, TMR is commonly used to conjugate antibodies, enabling visualization of specific antigens in tissue sections or cells.

Versatility and Biocompatibility

TMR's versatility extends beyond fluorescent labeling, as it can also be functionalized with various reactive groups for specific conjugation purposes. This allows researchers to tailor the fluorophore to their specific experimental requirements.

Furthermore, TMR is biocompatible and suitable for live-cell imaging applications. Its non-toxic nature ensures minimal interference with cellular processes, making it an ideal choice for studying biological systems in real-time.


Tetramethylrhodamine (TMR) is a powerful and versatile fluorophore that has revolutionized bioconjugate synthesis. Its strong fluorescence, biocompatibility, and adaptability make it an essential tool for researchers in fields such as microscopy, flow cytometry, and live-cell imaging.
